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Saturday May 18, 2024

Speak to their spirit (1):


We've all heard the stories of people in a coma, incapable of response, yet fully aware of what was going on around them. One patient tells of feeling trapped inside his body, listening in despair as his loved ones gave up on him and doctors talked about pulling the plug. There's an important survival principle here. When you speak to someone battling adversity or serious illness, speak life to their spirit. Speak to the part of them that's capable of rising up in faith and responding. 'Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God' (Romans 10:17). How does faith come? By hearing what God thinks, what God says and what God can do when others have given up.

You say, 'But the situation looks hopeless. 'Maybe, but until God has been heard from, the last word hasn't never been spoken. God told the prophet Ezekiel to go and stand in a valley full of dead bones (that's about as bad as it gets!) and say, 'This is what the sovereign Lord says to these bones: I will make breath enter you, and you will come to life' (Ezekiel 37:5 NIV). Now, you can't hold on to a loved one when God in His sovereign wisdom decides it's time to take them home. But until then, speak words of life to their spirit. And speak them to yourself too. Faith does not deny the reality of the circumstances it just refuses to be intimidated, limited or ruled by them. That's why Paul writes, 'Henceforth know we no man after the flesh.' So speak life to their spirit and to your spirit too!

Evangelist Philip Jegede’s Reading Courtesy of DWFT: Gal 5:22, Luke 19:11 -26, Ps 36: 5-9, Heb 10: 19-23

Soul Food Reading: Gal 5:22, Luke 19:11-26, Ps 36:5-9, Heb 10:19-23

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Friday May 17, 2024

How`s your attitude?


Solomon said, 'We may think we know what is right, but the Lord is the judge of our motives.' Writer Isabel Wolseley says, 'I'm a placid, get-along-with-everybody person. But that changed when my friend and I had a disagreement. I told her I was right, and why, and others commended me for having been right. The trouble is, I didn't feel any better...I felt worse. “Lord,” I prayed, “You know I was right, so why do I feel so terrible?” I stewed for several days then I sensed His answer. “Yes, you were right, but your attitude was wrong!” I won a little victory in a difference of opinion, but I'd lost in the realm of friendship. I asked my friend to forgive me. She did, and our relationship was restored. These happened several years ago, and know what? I can't even remember what the argument was about. It seemed so all-absorbing at the time. Not now.'

Don't let your need to 'always be right' rob you of opportunities to show grace and allow God to deal with others. To the hard-headed amongst us James writes, 'Be quick to hear [and] slow to speak' (James 1:19 NRS). You must earn the right to speak into someone's life, and that takes time. It also means trying to understand what they're going through; otherwise they'll tune you out. Ask yourself, 'What's my goal? To win the argument? To look good and sound smart?' That's a guaranteed formula for damaging relationships. Paul writes, Let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes' (Ephesians 4:23 NLT). Bottom line: when you pay attention to the Holy Spirit He will tell you when you need an attitude adjustment.

Evangelist Philip Jegede’s Reading Courtesy of DWFT: Titus 1-3, Mark 12:35-44, Ps 88:9b -18, Pr 11:27-29

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Thursday May 16, 2024

Knowing God better:


Spiritual activities can never replace spiritual intimacy. A lot of us go to church with the wrong focus. We want to know what the pastor's subject is. What we should be thinking is: 'Lord, whatever the preacher says today, I want You to speak to me personally so I'll know what Your will is for my situation.' When God's word starts coming alive for you in ways that change you and take you in a direction you would never have discovered for yourself, you're on the same wavelength as the Holy Spirit, whose job is to clarify and reveal God's purpose for your life. Living on this wavelength puts you in a world apart from others, even many professing Christians.

Paul said in 1 Corinthians 2, verse 14, that the 'natural man' can't grasp anything from God because his spirit is dead. He says the things of God are 'foolishness' to such a person. So a mature believer is worlds removed from the understanding of the spiritually dull or dead person. The truth is that even church-goers don't understand the mature believer. Paul said such a person 'is appreciated [properly understood and evaluated] by no one' (1 Corinthians 2:15 NASB). Folks can't figure mature believers out because they have 'the mind of Christ' (1 Corinthians 2:16 NIV). This kind of intimacy with God is rare today, even though the mind of Christ is God's will for, and is available to each of us. Spiritually mature believers have a passion to pursue and know God, and they aren't satisfied until they are in an intimate relationship with Him. So make your goal: knowing God better.

Evangelist Philip Jegede’s Reading Courtesy of DWFT: Jonah 1-4, Mark 12:28-34, Ps 88:1-9a, Pr 11:24-26

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Wednesday May 15, 2024

Weeds growing in the wheat!


Matthew 13, verses 24-30 is an eye-opening parable. Jesus warned that while we are planting wheat (God's Word) the enemy is planting weeds (error). And it's happening in the same field! Why? (1) Because we've fallen asleep. 'While everyone was sleeping, his enemy...sowed weeds among the wheat' (Matthew 13:25 NIV). Wake up! Dynamic personalities and big crowds don't guarantee truth is being taught. Paul warns the Ephesians church: 'After I leave, savage wolves will come in among you and will not spare the flock' (Acts 20:29 NIV). (2) Because the sowers look and sound alike. Who are these people sowing bad seeds? Paul answers: 'From your own number men will arise and distort the truth' (Acts 20:30 NIV). Note, they started out right but went wrong. You say, 'Should we pull up the weeds?' No. Jesus said, 'While you are pulling the weeds, you may root up the wheat with them. Let both grow together until the harvest. At that time I will tell the harvesters: First collect the weeds and tie them in bundles to be burned; then gather the wheat and bring it into my barn' (Matthew 13:29-30 NIV). There are many 'voices' speaking today and you need discernment as to the spirit that's at work in them. Think it's no big deal? One degree off course may seem harmless enough, but stay on that trajectory and you'll end up far from where God wants you to be, then realize, 'An enemy did this .'Protect yourself by living in God's Word, staying filled with the Holy Spirit which will 'guide you into all truth' (John 16:13) and surrounding yourself with those of 'like precious faith' (2 Peter 1:1).

Evangelist Philip Jegede’s Reading Courtesy of DWFT: Soul Food Reading: Jam 3-5, Mark 12:18-27, Ps 75, Pr11:23

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Tuesday May 14, 2024

The martyr attitude!


People with a 'martyr attitude' do things out of the sense of duty, not joy. They feel guilty about enjoying life. They tend to begrudge happiness to those around them. They resent it when others don't do things for them, yet they won't ask for help in case they create a sense of obligation. The fact is, 'martyrs' don't value themselves so they think nobody else does. That's not how God wants you to live. The Bible says there's a time to laugh, and enjoy life, because “god's gift to us is ...happiness.' Jesus said, 'I came to give all its fullness' (John 10:10 NCV). You need fun and relaxation. They're not non-spiritual! Without them you become unbalanced and you open yourself to stress-related illness, mood swings and compulsive behaviors. You find yourself constantly vulnerable, driven and unable to relax.

Refuse to take on a false sense of responsibility. Don't neglect or deny your own legitimate needs. Yes, you're called to help others, but it's not wrong to do things for yourself, to receive from God, and those He sends to bless you. If somebody compliments you, accept it graciously. If they attempt to belittle you, ignore it and move on. One counselor writes: 'When you find yourself trying to prove how much you've been hurt, or trying to “top” someone else's pain, stop and figure out what's going on. The reward is learning to stop the pain and move into joy, peace and fulfillment.' David said, In your presence is fullness of joy' (Psalm 16:11 AMP). So begin to spend more time with God. You only get to make the journey once, so enjoy it and make it count.

Evangelist Philip Jegede’s Reading Courtesy of DWFT: Jam 1-2, Mark 12:13-17, Ps 72:12-20, Pr11:22

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Monday May 13, 2024

It`s all part of His plan:


When you're in a situation where you've got more questions than answers, it takes faith to accept that 'in everything God works for the good of those who love him.' What you consider wasted experiences can become confidence-builders and priceless sources of insight when you make up your mind to learn from them! If you don't, they'll keep happening till you do. The Israelites went in circles for 40 years before they finally wised up. Don't let that happen to you.

When you get too comfortable God stirs things up. The mother eagle teaches her little ones to fly by making their nest so uncomfortable that they're forced out of it. Next they are pushed off a cliff edge. Can you imagine their thoughts: it's my mother doing this?’ Who and where you are at this moment in time has been divinely appointed. God in His wisdom knows that you need the challenge of certain situations to mature and stretch you. The job you dread going to every day is developing your skills, endurance and sense of responsibility. Those people who rub you the wrong way are actually making you more like Jesus! Paul says, God 'understands...and knows what is best for us at all times' (Eph.1:8 TLB). So instead of asking Him to change things, thank Him for the experience and the lessons you're learning. And if you can't figure out what those lessons are, ask Him. James says, ' need wisdom...ask God' (James 1:5 CEV). When you do, you'll discover its all part of His plan!

Evangelist Philip Jegede’s Reading Courtesy of DWFT: Num 34-36, Mark 12:1-12, Ps 72:1-11, Pr 11:19-21

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Sunday May 12, 2024

Good to the last drop!:


When the Canadian sprinter Donovan Bailey ran the 100meters in 9.84 seconds he hailed as the world's fastest man. Bur it could all have ended very differently, because with so many wins to his credit Bailey had problems accepting instruction and committing to the rigorous training necessary to meet the challenge. After his big win experts who critiqued videos of the race made an interesting discovery: Bailey never once lost momentum. In fact, when was still accelerating as he crossed the finish line.rn Isaiah says, ' He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak' (Isaiah 4-:29 NIV). 'Live fully until the day God calls you home! Celeb did; listen: ' So here I am today, eighty five years old! I'm still as strong today as the day Moses sent me out; I'm just a vigorous to go out to battle now as I was then...give me this hill country that the inheritance... because he followed the Lord...wholeheartedly' (Joshua 14:10-14 NIV).

Christian author Alma Barkman writes: 'I've already covered half the miles in this “race...set before us” (Hebrews 12:1). Sprinting is out the question. Jogging is risky. Even a brisk walk leaves me my stage of the game I just want to enjoy life. But my coach won’t allow me to coast. Growing older means I've more time and resources to exercise the gift’s God have given me. Instead of slowing down, I want to be accelerating when I crossed the finish line. 'Or as the folks of Maxwell House Coffee used to say: 'Good to the last drop!'

Evangelist Philip Jegede’s Reading Courtesy of DWFT: Num 32:25 -33-56, Mark 11:27-33, Ps67, Pr 16:18

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Saturday May 11, 2024

A Word to leaders (2):


God said to Israelis leaders in entering the Promised Land: ‘help your brothers' (Joshua 1:14 NIV). 'how long do I have to keep investing in this person?' You ask. Want a Bible answer? 'until they too have taken possession of the land that...God is giving them' (Joshua 1:15 NIV). It's not an occasional act of assistance; it's a lifestyle serving. At the end of every day we should each ask ourselves, 'Did I do good job today? Was I an asset and not just an expense?' Author Richard L. Evans remarked, 'It's priceless to find a person who will take a responsibility, who will finish and follow to the final detail to know when has accepted an assignment that it will be effectively, conscientiously completed.' And Paul raises the bar for followers of Christ! 'Whatever or say, do it as a representative of the Lord Jesus' (Coll. 3:17 NLT)

People who take advantage of others inevitably fail. Dr. John Maxwell writes,’ if your desire to succeed, live by these four simple words: add value to others. That philosophy that will take you far. All talented people have a choice to make: to do their own thing and get all the credit or do team thing and share it. My observation is not only do talented people accomplish more when working with others but they are also more fulfilled than to those who got it alone. 'So here's the deal: your are only qualified to enjoy the privileges and the benefits of leadership when are willing to (a) go first and (b) put others first. God says: 'After that, you may go back and occupy your own land '(Joshua 1:15NIV).

Evangelist Philip Jegede’s Reading Courtesy of DWFT: Gal 5:22, Luke 6:27-36, Ex 23:1-9, Rom 12:14

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Friday May 10, 2024

A Word to leaders (1):


Before Israel entered the Promised Land God gave 2 important instructions to their leaders:

(1)   'Cross over ahead of your bothers' (Joshua 1:14 NIV). If God has called you to lead, step up to the pale and swing the bat. Believe in yourself and your mission! Accomplishment is more than just working harder and smarter; it's about believing the right thing. Someone called it the 'sure enough' syndrome. If you expect to fall, sure enough you will. If you expect to succeed, 'sure enough' syndrome. If you expect to fail, sure enough you will. If you expect to succeed, sure enough you will. Personal breakthroughs begin with a change in your beliefs. What you believe deep down determines what you expect, and what you expect determines what you will act. In the long run, a belief is more than just an idea you possess, it's an idea that possesses you!

(2)   'Be strong and courageous' (Joshua 1:6). Your life will expand or shrink in the proportion to the measure of courage you display. If you're willing to take risks you'll further than those who timidly follow the safe and predictable path. Orison Swett Marden writes: 'The moment you resolve to take hold of life with all your might and make the most of yourself at any cost, sacrifice all lesser ambitions to your one great aim, to cut loose from everything that interferes with that aim, to stand alone, firm in your purpose whatever happens, you set emotion the forces implanted within you for your own development. Live up to your resolve, work at what God meant you to work at for the perfecting in His plan, and you will be invincible. No power on earth can hold you back than success.'

Evangelist Philip Jegede’s Reading Courtesy of DWFT: Num:30:1-32:24, Mark 11:12-26, Ps 62,Pr 11:15

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Thursday May 9, 2024

Are you gossip? Mend your ways!


There's a saying that goes, 'the deepest wounds in life come not from swords but words.' If you don't believe it look at the walking wounded; they're all around you! Are you yourself still struggling with the hurtful words have an insensitive parent, a schoolteacher, a marriage partner are a boss? Or worse, a Christian who thinks God's word on the subject of gossip doesn't apply to them? God takes the sin (yes, it’s a sin!) of gossips so seriously that He devotes in entire chapter of the Bible to it. If we were to read James 3 regularly it might show more consideration before opening our minds. The Bible says: “A word out of your mouth may seem of no attempt, but it can accomplish nearly anything or destroy it! It only takes as part, remember, to set of forest fire!”

One day woman came to her pastor with a troubled conscience she had 'sliced and diced' just about everybody in church.' How can I make things right? 'She asked. He said, 'take a box of feathers and drop one on the doorstep of each person you've criticized.' after doing so she came back and said.’ a week or so later, the woman returned without a single one, 'The wind blew them all away, ' she said. After the long silence the Pastor said, 'That's how it is with words; they're easily spoken, but you can never take them back again. ‘Are you a gossip? Mend your ways!

Evangelist Philip Jegede’s Reading Courtesy of DWFT: Mark 11:1-11, Ps 57, Pr 11:14

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Wednesday May 8, 2024

Knowing and doing God`s will:


Gladys Aylward was just a simple woman who did what she believed God called her to do. In 1920 she sailed to China where she opened a home for orphan children who'd been left to starve a wander the streets until the government placed them in wretched warehouses. She'd with the scripture, 'if you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry and satisfy the need of the oppressed...the Lord will guide you always; He will satisfy your need'(Isaiah 58:10-11 NIV). When the Japanese invaded China Gladys was forced to flee. She ended up in the island of Formosa with over 100 children to care for. In the face of extreme difficulty and danger she devoted her life to becoming a mother to each of them. Years later when she was publicly honored, she explained her amazing work like this: 'I did not choose this. I was led into it by God. I'm not really more interested in children than I am more on other people. But God gave me to understand that this is what he wanted me to do so I did it!”

Jesus said, 'As the Father has sent me, I am sending you' (John 20:21 NIV). The mission Jesus had while on earth, is now our mission. 'All of us must quickly carry out the tasks assigned us by the one who sent me, for there is little time left' (John 9:4 TLB). William James said, 'the best use of life is to spend it for something that outlasts it. 'Only the Kingdom of God is going to last; everything else will eventually perish. To fulfill your kingdom-purpose here on earth is to have lived well, and lived successfully!

Evangelist Philip Jegede’s Reading Courtesy of DWFT: Num: 25-26, Mark 10:45-52, Ps44:17-26, Pr 11: 12-13

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Tuesday May 7, 2024

Discovering Yourself:


One day a boy climbing in the mountains found an eagle's nest with an egg in it. When he got home he put it under a hen along with her other eggs. When the eagle hatched he thought he was chicken. He learned chicken behavior and scratched in the chicken yard with his 'siblings.'

He didn't know any better. Sometimes he felt strange stirrings with in himself but he didn't know what to do to them so ignored or suppressed them. After all, if he was a chicken he should behave like a chicken. One day an eagle flew over the chicken yard and the eagle looked up and saw him. And that moment he realized he wanted to be like that eagle, fly high, to go to the mountain peaks he saw in the distance. As he spread his wings he suddenly understood that he was like that eagle. Though he'd never flown before, he possessed the instinct and capabilities and capabilities. At first he flew unsteadily then with greater power and control. Finally as he soared he knew he'd discover his true self; the creature God made him to be.

Phillips Brooks remarked, 'when you discover you've been leading only half a life, the other half is going to haunt you until you develop it. 'self-discovery is what Paul had in mind when he wrote, 'it's in Christ what he find out who we are and what we are living for.' You were made by God and for God. Until you understand that, you life won't make sense. It's 'in Christ' that we discover our purpose, our significance and our destiny. In other words, we discover our true selves!

Evangelist Philip Jegede’s Reading Courtesy of DWFT: Num 22-24, Mark 10:35-43, Ps 44:9-16, Pr 11:10-14

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Monday May 6, 2024

Be faithful to the Scriptures:


The first lie ever recorded was the once Satan told Eve when he said that God didn't really mean what He said. And He's still peddling the same line. You hear it in comments like: (a) 'if you're sincere, it doesn't matter what you believe. 'What if you're sincerely wrong? If your car brakes don't work your sincerity won’t stop you; telephone poles and buildings will. (b) 'We must be careful not to offend everyone. 'What if people don't want to hear the truth or live according to it? Should we soften or edit the scriptures based on what we think they can handle? If you love someone wouldn't you interrupt they're sleep to keep them from burning up with the house? (c). 'There is truth in the Bible, but not all the Bible is true. 'Paul writes that 'All scriptures are God-breathed. 'and Isaiah says, 'if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them ' (Isaiah 8:20). twelve inches must make one foot, otherwise we're all open to each otter's interpretations and subject to each others value judgments and somebody's going to get the short end of the stick.

Now, when we become arrogant in presenting the truth, the cause of Christ suffers and spiritually hungry people are turned off. We who have received grace and mercy must show it. But let’s not compromise what God's word says. Interestingly, when polled recently, the majority of today's young people (16-29) said, 'give it to me straight. And if you don't leave it, don't give it!

How refreshing! Bottom line: God's word is wholly, solely, fully, completely and altogether true. So be faithful to the Scriptures!

Evangelist Philip Jegede’s Reading Courtesy of DWFT: Num: 19-21, Mark 10:23-34, Ps44: 1-18, Pr 11:9

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Sunday May 5, 2024

Come as you are:


Understand this: Jesus doesn't invite us to follow Him because we believe in Him. He invites us to follow Him because He believes in us! He says, 'follow me and I will make you.' He knows what we can become when His grace touches our lives. Matthew, a Jew, collected taxes for the Romans who enslave his people. In their eyes he was lower than scum. Yet Jesus called him and he ended up writing the first book in the New Testament. When Nathaniel was invited to meet Jesus he was downright skeptically. 'can... any good thing come out of Nazareth? 'Philip saith unto him, 'Come and see' (John 1:46). Even after three years of exposure to His miracle and messages, they still had doubts. Check how often He says to them. 'O ye of little faith...why do you not believe? if only you believed you would see. “knowing they were anxious about what would happen when He left them and went back to heaven, Jesus said, 'I will pray the father, and He shall give you another comforter [the Holy Spirit], that he may abide with you for ever' (john 14:16). The Greek word for comforter is paracletos which means' one who comes along side to help.' there will never be a day when you wont need God's help!

So, come as you are. Come with your self-righteous or sordid past. Come with your halo or hang-ups. Come. Even though you wonder if He can do what He promises. Let His power and presence rub off on you. What do you have to lose? You've tired your way and it didn't work, now try His way. Come. You won’t be disappointed!

Evangelist Philip Jegede’s Reading Courtesy of DWFT: Num 13-18, Mark 10: 13-22, Ps 37:32-40, Pr 11: 7-8-

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Saturday May 4, 2024

The Promise of Long Life:


If a parent died when you were young, you may be living with the unspoken fear you won't live longer that they did. The bible addresses this: 'Only by dying could He break...the power of death...[and] set free all who have lived their lives as slaves to the fear of dying' (Hebrews 2:14-15 NLT). Observe: (1) when your work on earth is done, God promotes you in home in heaven. Imagine your dream home, then add the words: 'far better' (Philippians 1:23). And who is the architect, builder and designer of this home? Jesus: 'I go to prepare a place for you' (John 14:2). (2) by this obeying God you can shorten your life; by honoring Him you can lengthen it. King is Hezekiah proved this. Fighting illness and facing death He cried out to God: 'remember, O Lord, how I have walked before you faithfully and with wholehearted devotion and have done what is good in your eyes (2 Kings 20:3 NIV). God answered, 'I have heard your prayer and seen your tears; I will heal you...I will add Fifteen years to your life' (2 Kings 20:5-6 NIV). You say, 'Can God still heal today.' absolutely! James rights, 'is any seeking among you? Let Him call for the elders of the church; and let pray Him, anointing with oil in the name of the Lord: and the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise Him up' (James 5:14-15). (3) If you're worried about dying, stand on God's word. 'with long life will I satisfy Him and show Him my salvation' (Psalm 91:16 NIV).

Evangelist Philip Jegede’s Reading Courtesy of DWFT: Gal 5:22, Luke 10:25-37, Eph 4:31-32, Gen 50:51-21-

MPBS24/7 Reading: Gal 5:22, Luke 10:25-37, Eph 431-32, Gen 50:15-21

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Friday May 3, 2024

Praise Your Way Through (3):


Imagine living in a society where adulterers wear a scarlet and thieves wear a ball and chain. Imagine being identified only by your past. 'They probably deserved it,' you say. Really? Jesus said if you look at a member of the opposite sex with lust, you've committed adultery in your heart (See Matthew 5:28). Ouch! Then He went on to say that the standard of judgment you impose on others, is the standard by which you'll be judged (See Matthew 7:1-2). Can you live with that? Now, God's not soft on sin. His love won't let you off. 'The Lord disciplines those He loves' (Hebrews 12:6 NIV). But His love won't let you go. 'Nothing can separate us from the love of God' (See Romans 8:38-39).

We're not too familiar with scarlet letters or balls and chains, but we are with computers. And then someone hurts or upsets us, God saves, 'Forgive, and hit the delete button!' otherwise you'll be corrupted with virus that controls the way you think, act and talk. Worst of all, it'll keep you chained to the memories. ‘But forgiving is hard, you say. Sure; that's why Jesus said, ' pray for those who mistreated' (See Matthew 5:44). Forgiving someone begins with praying for them. ‘But I need to try and understand why they did it.' Smart people do stupid stuff. Good people do bad stuff. Misguided people don't know what they're doing. That's why Jesus prayed, 'Father, forgive them; for they know what they do' (Luke 23:34). You may understand someday, or you may never understand. Either way, for your own sake forgive, hit delete button and move on!

Evangelist Philip Jegede’s Reading Courtesy of DWFT: Num 14-15, Mark 10:1-2, Ps 37:25-31, Pr 11:26-

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Thursday May 2, 2024

Praise Your Way Through (2):


Prisons in Bible times were miserable places, devoid of even the most basic creature comforts. It was in such a place that 'Paul and Silas were...singing praises to God... (when)...a strong earthquake shook the jail... The doors opened, and the chains fell from all the prisoners' (Acts 16:25-26 CEV). And it can happen for you too. If you want to shake things up, see doors open and chains break, begin to praise God on the wings of praise. David said, 'those who have learned to acclaim [praise, applaud, honor, pay tribute to] you...walk in...Your presence...Lord.’ Praise isn't simply a reaction to coming into God's presence; it creates a channel through which He enters to go to work on your problem.

When you're down and depressed there's no incentive for your natural mind to praise God. It'll actually encourage you to wallow in misery and feel sorry for yourself. But that's completely opposite to what you should be doing! God is 'Looking for: those who [who] do it out of their very being'(John 4:23-24 TM). It's not a matter of emotion; it's a matter of faith. It's not something that comes naturally; it's something you choose to do. Whether you're in the wilderness or the Promised Land, when you 'rejoice, and sing praises' (Psalm 98:4 NKJV) things start to happen; as your praises go up, God's blessings come down. Nehemiah says, 'The joy of the Lord is your strength' (Nehemiah 8:10). Praise actually helps to heal your emotions and lift the weight of negativity you're living under. Try it!

Evangelist Philip Jegede’s Reading Courtesy of DWFT: : Num 11-13, Mark 9:38-50, Ps 37:16-24, Pr 11:4 -

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Wednesday May 1, 2024

Praise Your Way Through (1):


There’s no law that says praising God is reserved for church on Sunday. It can be a lifestyle: at work, at school, at home and in the shower. Praise brings God's presence, along with His direct intervention. The psalmist said, “I will bless the Lord at all times: his praise shall continually be in mu mouth' (Psalm 34:1). Before David was a soldier or a king, he killed Goliath with a slingshot and a stone. You don't need an army to defeat your giants, just a well-aimed Scripture backed up with a shout of praise. Praise is an expression of faith; it's a declaration that God's in control. Praise is not something you engage in simply when you feel like it. The Bible says we're to 'offer the sacrifice of praise to God' (Hebrews 13:15). The more it costs, the more it pays off!

In the Old Testament when their enemies were arrayed against Judah) which means praise), Jehoshaphat their king sent the choir to the front lines ahead of the army to praise God. What a crazy strategy. But it worked! As they went forward worshiping, the Lord set ambushes against the people...who had come against Judah,’ and they were defeated. Anybody can praise God when 'everything coming' up roses,’ but learn to praise Him when you're in the trenches and He'll defeat whatever's waging war against you. A praise-filled environment stops Satan dead in his tracks because he knows that God 'lives' in that kind of atmosphere! (See Psalm 22:3.)

Evangelist Philip Jegede’s Reading Courtesy of DWFT: Num 13-18, Mark 10: 13-22, Ps 37:32-40, Pr 11: 7-8 -

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Tuesday April 30, 2024

Keep practicing (2)


In a Peanuts cartoon, Charlie Brown laments to his friends Linus, 'Life is just too much for me. I've been confused from the day I was born. I think the trouble is, we're thrown into life too fast. We're not really prepared. 'What do you want, 'Linus ask a chance to warm up first? You may not get a chance to warm up before entering life, but you cant warm up by practicing what's important to you once life has begun. It's during these warm-ups that you grow. If you commit your self to practice you discover:

(1) Your performance can always be improved. Author Harvey Mackay says, 'A good leader understands that almost anything that has been done in a particular way for a given amount of time, can be better in the right environment. Improvement always requires some degree of risk and failure. So find a place where growth and experimentation are encouraged.

(2)You must be willing to start with small things. When you first start to practice you gains will be small. But they will grow. In the Olympics, The difference between the gold medalist and other contestants is often juts hundredths of seconds.

(3) There's a price to pay to reach the next level. Sidney Howard remarked, 'One half of knowing what you want is knowing what you must give up before you get it. Too many of us regard practice as an essentially negative experience, but it doesn't have to be if you think of it in terms of discovery and development. So, keep practicing!

Evangelist Philip Jegede’s Reading Courtesy of DWFT: Deut 3-4, Luke 10:38-42, Ps 78:40-55, Pr 16:32

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Monday April 29, 2024

Keep practicing (1)


King Saul was attacked by evil spirits that tormented and immobilized him. So he sent for David to come and play his harp. As David played, 'Relief would come to Saul; He would feel better, and the evil spirit would leave him' (1 Samuel 16:23 NIV). This story teaches us two things: the power of praise,and the power of practice, David didn't suddenly discover his talent when he arrived at Saul's place. NO, he developed it through years of practice on lonely hillsides while tending his father's sheep.

When it comes to practice, the two most difficult challenges you face are (a) having the desire to do it, and (b) having discipline to keep at it. Paul tells Timothy, 'Be diligent in these matters; give you self wholly to them, so that everyone may see you progress. Watch your life...closely. Persevere' (1 Timothy 4:15-16 NIV) There is no easy way to become a disciplined person. It has nothing to do with talent or ability. It is not a matter of conditions, but of choice. But once the choice is made and practice becomes a habit, two things become obvious. The first is a clear difference between the person who practices and the one who doesn't. Cyclist Lance Armstrong said, 'Success comes from training harder and digging deeper than others. 'And he should know; he won a record of seven Tour de France Championships. The second thing that emerges is a winning spirit. The harder you work, the harder it becomes to surrender to things like fatigue, complacency, discouragement, criticism, and all the other stuff that tires to break your stride.

Evangelist Philip Jegede’s Reading Courtesy of DWFT:Deut 1-2, Luke 10:25-37, Ps 78:32-39, Pr 16:31

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Sunday April 28, 2024

Great expectations:


It's not the size of the dog in the fight; it's the size of the fight in the dog. David didn't have the rank, equipment or training, but he had the winning attitude. So great was his level of expectation the he 'ran quickly toward the battle line to meet [Goliath]' (1 Samuel 17; 48 NIV). While Saul and his soldiers were hiding, David was running to meet the challenge. How's that for great expectations? Now we're not talking about faith in our own ability, but in 'him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine. according to his power that is at work within us' (Ephesians 3:20 NIV).

Martin Seligman, Professor of psychology at the University of Pennsylvania, did some research on a major life insurance company and found that sales people who expected to succeed sold twice as much as those who didn't. Researchers have discovered that there's a greater correlation between self-confidence and achievement than there is between IQ and achievement. Know that? The God who lives within you is limited by one thing you only: you in ability or unwillingness to believe in your self. The more you believe in your self, the more you'll be able to accomplish. And if you keep believing and expecting, you'll someday find yourself doing what you once considered impossible. Why? Because "With God all things are possible' (Matthew 19:26). It's said that if Michelangelo had consulted of the ceiling, and his work wouldn't be around for us to admire. The truth is that great results begin with great expectations.

Evangelist Philip Jegede’s Reading Courtesy of DWFT: Acts 27-28, Luke 10:13-24, Ps 78-31, Pr 16:26-30

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Saturday April 27, 2024

Do you want to change?


Change only takes place when you: (1) Deiced to change. The Daily Mail newspaper once invited readers to answer the question, 'What's wrong with world?' G.K Chesterton supposedly sent the following reply: 'Dear Sir, I am 'Face it, if you could kick the person responsible for most of your troubles, you wouldn't be able to sit down for a week. Discipleship, the process of becoming like Christ, begins with a decision. Jesus calls to us, and we respond. "Follow me and be my disciple" Jesus dais to him. So Matthew got up and followed him' (Matthew 9:9 NLT). And notice he took his pen with him! That's all you need to get started a decision! (2) Change the way you think. 'Let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think' (Roman 12:2 NLT). Change starts in your mind. The way you think determines the way you feel, and the way you feel influences the way you act. So wash your mind, feed your mind, and program your mind with God's Word. (3) Take a small step every day. Most of us want overnight change. No, change comes slowly. To be successful we must start with small things and do them every day. St. Francis de Sales said. ' Have patience with all things, but chiefly have patience with yourself. Do not lose courage in considering your imperfections, but instantly start remedying them every day begins the task anew. You say. ' But if I fall so far short. 'We all do. Don't be discouraged. 'God who began the good work within you will keep right on helping you grow in his grace until his task within you is finally finished" (Philippians 1:6 TLB)

Evangelist Philip Jegede’s Reading Courtesy of DWFT: Soul food reading: Acts 24-26, Luke 10:1-12, Ps 78:9-16, Pr 16:25

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Friday April 26, 2024

Equipping people to serve:


As a leader you must keep before you at all time the philosophy, plan and purpose behind what you're called to accomplish, and make it clear to the people who work with you. Three of the most common problems in any organization, including church, are: (1) putting someone in the wrong slot and leaving them there because there's no one else to do the job; (2)not understanding someone's gifting and not providing adequate training, direction and information to promote teamwork; (3) leaders who don't know how to communicate their vision clearly. when anyone of these areas is out of whack, we spend out time and energy troubleshooting, putting out fires and running in 40 directions. A result leaders get discourage and workers quit.

But the church doesn't have to be like that. Paul outlined the Master Plan for church growth by reminding us that God gave these gifts to the church: apostles, prophets, evangelist and pastors and equip God's people to do His work and build up the church. ‘Why did God assign leaders? To equip people. Why do people need to be equipped? To serve. Why is service so important? TO build up the body of Christ. That's it! And it's essential to developing a strong, healthy church whose mission is to feeds God's sheep and reach the lost with the Gospel. That's why as a leader, everything you do should be directly related to equipping people to serve. Do that, and you'll be less frustrated, your people more fulfilled, and your church more fruitful!

Evangelist Philip Jegede’s Reading Courtesy of DWFT: Matt 5:20, 1 Thess 2:13—3:5, 1 Cor 4$:11-13, Rev. 6:9-11.

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Thursday April 25, 2024

Great relationships:


Building great relationship take time and energy. and you only discover how valuable such relationships are when they're tested. one author writes: 'Contouring your heart to beat with another requires extensive whittling to trim away self-centeredness. It's like riding a bus; if you're going to the company you must be willing to scoot over to accommodate other people and the baggage they bring. your actions in doing this express the importance of the other person. one relationship becomes more valuable than others because its ability to survive and endure realignments.'

The qualities we value most in a friend are two-fold: (1) the assurance that they won’t bail out when the road gets rocky. (2) The knowledge that our imperfections and companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend that sticks closer than a brother. 'It's about quality not quantity. That's why heart connections can be so much stronger than blood connections. Don't be too quick to discount someone's good qualities because they made a mistake, disappointed you or did something without thinking. You wouldn't haul your car to the junkyard because it had a faulty battery or a flat tire! Love means risk, but the payoffs out-weight the investment. Behind very success story you'll find people who once felt so discouraged they wanted to quit, who fell and needed lifting when someone stepped ruin, picked them up and help them to keep going. Life is not built on acquisitions and accomplishments, it’s built on relationships. So keep your in good shape!

Evangelist Philip Jegede’s Reading Courtesy of DWFT: Acts 22-23, Luke 9:57 -62.

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Wednesday April 24, 2024

Growing in grace 2:


A close second to comparing, is controlling. Often controllers are steeped in religiosity. Their modus-operandi is manipulation, hints and veiled threats. They're not big on grace because they think they know it all (Romans 12:16 TLB). Do you see any of these traits in yourself? Think how much happier you'd be if you weren't trying to control people and outcomes. Dennis Leonard writes, give your loved ones the dignity of making their own mistakes and learning from them. If you're always getting into someone else's business, you're not only going to burn out, you're hindering God from working in their lives...they belong to Him not You!

Dealing with controversy over Jewish food laws, Paul writes, those who feel free to eat must not look down on those who don't. And those who don't...must not condemn those who do, for God has accepted them, (Romans 14:3 NLT). Because you don't feel at liberty to do something, don't condemn those who do: Having strong opinions doesn't sanction you to impose them on others. Even good things can be abused. William Barclay talks about making a tyranny of the Sabbath, surrounding it with a jungle of rules, regulations and prohibitions. Ask yourself if your convictions. Paul says, let each man be fully convinced in his own mind, (Romans 14:6 NKJV). There are times when you need to humbly and prayerfully press on, regardless.

Evangelist Philip Jegede’s Reading Courtesy of DWFT: Acts 20-21, Luke 9:46-56, Ps 46, Pr 16:20-22

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Tuesday April 23, 2024

Growing in grace 1:


Chuck Swindoll writes: when others don't share your viewpoint, do you find ways to signal your disapproval? How about if somebody drives a newer car, lives in a nicer house, wears their hair a certain way and buys clothes you would never wear? What if they're divorced, or a single parent, or God forbid! In a relationship you don't approve of? Can you live in harmony with them, or do you pull out your comparison rule book? The Bible says we shouldn't compare ourselves...Each of us is an original. Comparing is wrong because it leads to criticism, competition, control, and covetousness. It's an indicator that you're insecure and that grace is a foreign concept to you. Grace means freeing others to be themselves and losing the legalistic attitude that requires them to conform to your standards. Paul addresses this: who are you to judge the servant of another? To his own master he stands or falls; and he will stand, for the Lord is able to make him stand, (Romans 14:4 NASB). Note the words, who are you to judge? Back off; stop trying to do God's job!

Gladys Hunt writes: Acceptance means you're valuable just as you aren't forced into someone else's can talk to about how you feel...and why...and someone really can try out ideas without being shot down. You can even express heretical thoughts and discuss them with intelligent questioning. You feel safe. No one will pronounce judgment...even though they don't agree with you. It doesn't mean you'll never be's simply means it's safe to be you. When you can say that, and mean it, you're growing in grace!

Evangelist Philip Jegede’s Reading Courtesy of DWFT: Acts 18-19, Luke 9:37-45, Ps 42:6-11, Pr 16:17-19

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Monday April 22, 2024

Walking by faith:


After refusing to worship idols, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were thrown in a fiery furnace. Sounds pretty hopeless, eh? Not for the God Who specializes in doing the impossible; Who isn't known for business as usual. When men do something spectacular we can detect human logic behind it. But as one author writes: God doesn't build skyscrapers; men do...and they have the touch of human genius. But you can't find a skyscraper and a star. God honored the Hebrew children's faith by bringing them safely out of the fire. The king himself declared, Blessed be...God...who...delivered His servants in Him...there is no other god who is able to deliver in this way, (Daniel 3:28-29 NASB).

Many people who appears to be carefree, have anxiety only God understands: money problems, employment issues, health challenges and marital concerns. So God says, transfer all your anxieties to me (See 1 Peter 5:7). When you walk by faith you get answers to prayer that challenge human reasoning. And looking back you realize you couldn't have come up with a better solution yourself. Poet Patrick Overton said, when you come to the edge of all the light you have and are about to droop off into the darkness of the unknown, faith is knowing that one of two things will happen: there will be something solid to stand on, or you'll be taught to fly. Remember, we walk by faith, not by sight. And just when you think you've learned how to do that, you'll face a situation that requires you to learn it all over again!

Evangelist Philip Jegede’s Reading Courtesy of DWFT: Acts 16-17, Luke 9:28-36, Ps 42: 1-5, Pr 16:16

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Sunday April 21, 2024

Are you searching for contentment?


It's easy to be content when things in life are going your way. But how often does that happen? The Bible says we are to practice being happy at any time in everything (Philippians 4:12 NCV, because if you put your life on hold waiting for what you want to happen, you may be waiting a long time! Epicurus said; don't spoil what you have by desiring what you don't have. Remember that what you now have was the thing you once hoped for.

Three things constantly feed our discontentment: 1. Greed. When you dwell on what you don't have, you're not enjoying what God's already given you. Be satisfied! Setting goals is good, but stop focusing so hard on the end result and learn to rejoice in the Lord while you're on your way. 2. Fear. It wants you to run from something that's not chasing you. It's the enemy way of a. robbing you of peace and stability; b. tormenting you with that what ifs; c. keeping you from trusting God. The Psalmist said, In God I trust; I will not be afraid. What can mortal man do to me? (Psalm 56:4 NIV). 3. Seeking satisfaction in the wrong places. God said, My people water, and...dug...broken cisterns that cannot hold water. It's said that we spend our first 50 years searching for security, and the rest of our lives looking for significance. But we don't have to. The hymn writer wrote: now none but Christ can satisfy; no other name for me. There's love, life, and lasting joy, Lord Jesus found in Thee! Are you searching for contentment? Try Jesus!

Evangelist Philip Jegede’s Reading Courtesy of Acts 14-15, Luke 9:18-27, Ps 1, Pr 18:10-15

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Saturday April 20, 2024

Growing older, and wiser:


Dale Evans (wife of Roy Rogers) loved Jesus with all her heart and made sure folks in Hollywood knew it. Here's one of her prayers:

“Lord, thou know-est better than I know myself, that I'm growing older, and will someday be old. Keep me from getting too talkative; particularly from the fatal habit of thinking I must say something on every subject and on every occasion. Deliver me from the need to try and straighten out everybody's affairs: keep my mind free from the recital of endless details; give me wings to get to the point, I ask for grace to listen to the tales of others' pains; but seal my lips when it comes to my own aches and pains, for they are increasing and my love of rehearsing them gets sweeter as the years go by. I ask not for improved memory, but for a growing humility and less cock sureness, especially my memory seems to clash with the memory of others. Teach me that occasionally  I maybe mistaken. Keep me reasonably sweet. I don't necessarily want to be a saint some of them are so hard to live with. But a sour old woman  or man is one of the crowning works of the devil. Make me thoughtful but not moody, helpful but not bossy. With my vast store of wisdom it seems a pity not to use it; but Thou know-est Lord, I want a few friends at the end. So give me, I pray, the ability to see blessings in unexpected trials and goodness in less-than-perfect people. And give me the grace to tell them so, in Christ's name, amen.'

Evangelist Philip Jegede’s Reading Courtesy of DWFT: Act 13-13, Luke 9:1-17, Ps65, Pr 16:8-9

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Friday April 19, 2024

Mastering yourself:


Let your flesh know who's in charge. Look for ways to say no to yourself every day. If you do, you'll be able to do it when it really counts. We're not just talking about cardinal sins, but zeroing in on the undisciplined areas of our lives that we excuse, rationalize, or postpone dealing with. Paul writes, Everything is permissible for me but not everything is beneficial.

Everything is permissible for me but I will not be mastered of anything. Paul measures his actions by this yardstick: is it beneficial? Does it have the potential to control me?

How long are you going to keep telling yourself, I know I need to change, and I will tomorrow? You have the right to consume chocolate cake and ice cream at bedtime every night. It's permissible but not beneficial, especially if you want unblocked arteries, sugar free blood, a trim waistline, the ability to run a marathon or maybe just to keep up with your grand-kids. You have the right to spend your time and money as you please but you don't have the right to complain when the law of diminishing returns kicks in and you finish up in the poorhouse. You have the right to fill your mind with any kind of garbage you choose. But understand this, constant exposure to the wrong things will weaken you character, rob you of self-respect and eventually enslave you.

When it comes to replacing bad habits with good ones, only one person is going to make it happen; you. Your character is the sum total of your everyday choices. Day by day, what you think, what you choose and what you do, is who you become.

Evangelist Philip Jegede’s Reading Courtesy of DWFT: Matt 5:9, Rom 12:17-21, Jan 3:17-18, 1Jn 3:1-3

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Thursday April 18, 2024

The power of passion 4:


If you've ever built a fire you know that its tendency is to go out. You must feed and protect it. Not everyone will help you do that. There are two kinds of people you'll meet in life: fire lighters and fire extinguishers. The first group will inspire you, encourage you and go out of their way to help you. The second group will throw cold water on you. How can you tell the difference? Fire extinguishers use phrases like: it's not in the budget...that's not practical...we've tried that before and it didn't work... if it ain't broke don't fix it...who will do all the extra work?...we don't have enough experience, talent, education, etc.,...who do you think you are? If you've heard one or more of these excuses coming from the people around you, pray for them, love them, but don't let them influence you. Fire extinguishers focus on what's wrong rather on what's right. They find the cloud that comes with every silver lining. They doubt. They resist change. They keep you from reaching higher by trying to put out the fire of your passion. Sometimes they do this deliberately, other times unknowingly. Handle them with care! Instead, spend more time with fire lighters who view you not as you are, but as you could be; who fuel your faith and ignite your passion.

It's estimated that there are about 200 million Christians in the Chinese church today. One of the fire lighters who helped start it was Hudson Taylor. And he's the man who said, the sun has not once risen in China in 40 years, without finding me on my knees in prayer. That's passion!

Evangelist Philip Jegede’s Reading Courtesy of DWFT: Acts 10-11, Luke 8:40-56, Ps 14, Pr 16: 6-7

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